Adult Art Class
The ideal start for learning the foundations of art. Tutor guided sessions which will build confidence and skill in each medium.
A warm and friendly environment creating a perfect atmosphere for the beginner.
Week 1 – Grid technique, learn a drawing technique to help you produce accurate pictures. This session will focus on Animals and explore exercises on how to draw them.
Week 2 – Perspective, explore the perspective technique with an easy to follow guided exercise. Then look at artists and imagery that use this in their work to create your own.
Week 3 – Illustration, introduction to visual communication and book illustration. We will look at inspirational illustrators. Produce a fairytale illustration made up or inspired by one of them. Then add colour using coloured pencils.
Week 4 – Collage/cutting with scissors, Collage and creative collage using torn techniques, cutting coloured paper and creating with magazines. Explore a range of techniques and artists who use collage as their medium of choice.
Week 5 – watercolour, you will learn all the basic techniques, experiment with an exercise and create a beautiful watercolour painting.
Week 6 – impasto painting, Using acrylic paint experiment with this technique to produce a beautiful piece of art.
*To take advantage of the 6 for £85 offer please email lynn.edwards@eaststaffsbc.go.uk